Lakewood, Ohio Dentist – Michael S. Pap, DDS
Welcome to Westside Family Dentistry
Experience one of the Cleveland area’s most trusted family and cosmetic dentists. Dr. Michael Pap specializes in sleep apnea treatment, implant restorations, CEREC® one-visit restorations.
New Look,
Same Care.
Welcome to Westside Family Dentistry, conveniently located near Detroit Ave. & ALT 6. Here, our professionals know that dental health is not just about white smiles: it’s about having strong teeth and healthy gums. It’s about prolonging the simple joy of eating delicious things! Our mission is to help our patients accomplish these goals in a painless, compassionate, and efficient way.
Michael S. Pap,DDS
New Look,
Same Care.
Welcome to Westside Family Dentistry, conveniently located near Detroit Ave. & ALT 6. Here, our professionals know that dental health is not just about white smiles: it’s about having strong teeth and healthy gums. It’s about prolonging the simple joy of eating delicious things! Our mission is to help our patients accomplish these goals in a painless, compassionate, and efficient way.
Limited-Time Summer Specials
Offers End September 20, 2024
New uninsured patients only.
View our limited-time specials and call or click to request an appointment today. Dr. Michael S. Pap and his dental team look forward to meeting you.
Save $74
New Patient
Dental Exam
Includes comprehensive exam by the doctor and necessary x‑rays.
(D0150, D0210)
Save $23
New Patient
Dental Cleaning
Includes a professional dental cleaning. A new patient exam is required. Does not include periodontal therapy.
Save $48
New Children’s
Cleaning & Exam
Patients 12 and under receive a professional dental cleaning, fluoride treatment, needed x‑rays, and a comprehensive exam.
(D1120, D1208, D0274, D0150)
Sleep Apnea Treatment in Lakewood, Ohio
Cleveland’s top sleep apnea dentist
Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the airway completely collapses, blocking airflow into the lungs. The harder one tries to breathe, the tighter the airway seals. This airway obstruction persists until the brain partially awakens the person, unconsciously closing the jaw and returning the tongue and throat to a normal position.
We offer effective, nonsurgical relief from sleep apnea and other sleep-related disorders—including snoring. Ask Dr. Micheal Pap how you can get the restful, healthy sleep you’ve been missing.
Life-Changing Dental Implants
Retain your smile of confidence today
Dental implants are a permanent, natural-looking solution to replace a missing tooth. Dental implants bond directly to the jawbone by attaching a titanium post and connector to create a sturdy base for the crown. Though Dr. Pap does not place the implant himself, he will restore All On Fours, Implant-Supported Dentures, and Single Implants. Dental implants restoration with Dr. Pap is an excellent solution for those who want to improve their smiles while allowing the lifestyle you’re accustomed to – confidently smile, laugh, and eat what you want.
One-Visit Restorations
Natural alternative to traditional crowns & veneers
CEREC® one-visit crowns enhanced with CAD/CAM imaging allow Dr. Pap to create tooth-colored porcelain restorations for healthy beautiful smiles in a single appointment.
Crowns should be placed before the tooth is so decayed that it may fracture. This can often help prevent the expense of root canal therapy in the future. If a tooth is too damaged to have a crown applied, a porcelain bridge may be a good alternative.
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We Can Help!
Join Westside Family Dental
Membership Club
and get your preventive care for a low monthly subscription fee
Westside Family Dental Comprehensive Services
From toddlers to the elderly, our skilled dental team is familiar with the unique needs of every patient, no matter their age. Our goal is to help them develop great oral habits that will last them a lifetime.
Join us today and discover how our practice can help treat your entire family.
Preventive Care
Through regular home care, professional dental cleanings, and regular dental exams, you will maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for life. Dr. Pap recommends a routine care appointment at least every six months which will include a teeth cleaning, routine digital x-rays, and an oral exam. Good oral health helps to protect your overall health.
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry may include crowns, bridges, fillings, bonding, or mercury-free restorations which both improve your appearance and tooth function. If you have cracked, chipped teeth, or feel your teeth don’t function as they should, please give us a call so we can work with you to give you the smile and function you deserve.
Clear Aligners
These “invisible” aligners are the latest in orthodontic technology for adults and teens. Straight teeth and a revitalized smile no longer need to come from a mouth full of unattractive wire and bracket braces. Enhancing self-esteem and physical confidence, invisible braces offer an esthetic and barely visible alternative to conventional wire/bracket braces.